A sucker to facebook I got involved in this virtual 5K which was to happen on the 21 November. I decided that I would use the event to take myself off for a special run so didn't get around to it until the 24th.
So I took myself off to The Kelpies in Falkirk, with a view to running along the Forth and Clyde Canal. Readers of my blog know that things have not been easy this last few years for me and my family but I am always reminded of how precious and fabulous life can be when I go for a run and how being part of a great running community such as Fetcheveryone has been a real support and I how have made so many good friends from Fetch. So this run is for all of you to say thank you for being there. Feel hugged by JaneyM my lovely Fetchies.
This is my virtual 5K Moonjoggers run (although not virtual, as I did actually run and it ended up 7 miles rather than just 3). And I make no apologies for the amount of Kelpie photos, every angle I looked at them they looked even more amazing.
Started my run right under The Kelpies. There were two amazing quotes on the walls around the Kelpies. "Bow down your strong heads to taste the water" and "Stretch up your long necks to face the sun". Wonderful.
It was a great path, with lots of walkers cheerily making their way to the next cup of tea stop at the Falkirk Wheel. Very warm and pleasant running.
As I was making my way along the path contemplating life as I ran, this beautiful Heron landed right in front of me. I stopped to admire it just for a second, trying to creep even closer then as always I stood on a stone, made a noise and it took flight. Even more impressive in flight.
Final stop was Lock number 7. It just seemed like a good place to stop and it was about half way on my 10K route. I do like Locks, they never cease to amaze me. Twenty Five years with Alistair, engineering has rubbed off on me a bit I guess. This one had just lifted a canal boat up to the next level.
You can't beat a canal for straightness can you? It really did turn into a beautiful day. Canal's are hard work though, they are so flat and straight. I moan about them but I do like a hill now and again.
This was a nice surprise view as I came back towards the Kelpies Hub. This was about 2 miles out from them. I always find it amazing that despite their size they are placed in a position that means you often don't see them until you are right there at them. This happens when you drive up the M9, you don't see them, then bang they are there! Driving into the park they are in is the same, you can't see them until you turn that final corner. So this was a truly wonderful sight to come across because I turned the next corner and they were gone again.
Got back to the Kelpies Hub and my Garmin showed that it was 6 miles, but as often happens, I wasn't really feeling finished so I decided to head off down the road towards The Helix Park. The Park itself was not that stunning, just a big pond and the "Great Lawn" (essentially just a big flat bit of grass - sounded grander than it was) but on the way to the Great Lawn there was a beautiful path that took you through Wetlands and Marshes. Very peaceful and lots of swans.
So at 7 miles I found myself back at the Kelpies. And again, the light and sky has changed and they look different again. Stunning, amazing, fabulous, wonderful, beautiful, majestic.
Today's view from Ally Bally was quite impressive, if a little hard to capture as the car park is a bit away.
Cup of tea in my new Kelpies mug, bit of Christmas cake and feet up for a bit. A brilliant Hug a Runner 10K (and a mile).
So as I said at the beginning of this blog, this Hug Run was for my Fetch buddies. Running has so many benefits. Apart from the obvious fitness aspects, there is long lasting friendships, support, love, discovery, fun and many other things. So feel hugged fetchie pals. I love you all.
Don't worry, be happy.