Over the bridge there were a set of steps which took me further up the hill. This was looking like an interesting wee run unfolding. Once over the bridge and up the steps the path suddenly was overcome with overgrown ferns. They were soaking wet after the rain that we had earlier. The air was really warm and sticky so actually the cool water around my legs and in my shoes was wonderful.
Once through the ferns the path took me over two stiles and then up a steep slope. It was a really nice path. Down the hill there was the Silverburn with a few little waterfalls (not accessible by the path) and to the otherside there was a field of sheep. A really nice little path. After quite a few more steep slopes the path took a turn down the way. After a quick stop to look at the gorgeous view Carnethy and Scaldlaw (by this point the sun was out and it was lovely and sunny and warm) I headed down a really steep slope back towards the road.
The route I normally take up to Silverburn is predictable and I know how long it takes me and just how long it is but this was an interesting, different detour from the usual route. A little hidden gem!
A quick turn towards Silverburn to take a picture of Scaldlaw and Carnethy and I then picked up the route back down the hill and the sun was shining, the shire horses were still there munching the field as usual but I had a great new route to run and was quite happy with myself.
Jaggy Thistles.. |
So it just shows that there is always a new route to be found even when you think you know all the routes there are to know! This was a good run.
don't worry, be happy :)
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