
Monday, 16 September 2013

Getting my legs going again..

Went back to my marathon training schedule today. It has been a bit all over the place for the last two weeks but with only Alistair to worry about now I thought I'd get back to the plan and see if I could pick up where I should be. So having missed my last long run last weekend, but confident that I have a 20 miler under my belt I went out for the 6 mile run that was the start of my taper week. And here is how it went...

First mile was through the woods and it is funny how all year I have been running through all the seasons but because I have missed a week or so running, summer appears to have turned in autumn...

This is probably my favourite time of year for running as I just love playing with my inner child and swooshing through the leaves!!! What I don't really like though is the chilly wind that makes your ears and your hands cold. Noticed that around 2 and a half miles as I was pushing through the wind up the big long hill.

I didn't run up this hill, just alongside it!

So I slogged my way up the hill to the main road. Now as graffiti goes, I don't really care one way or another. Good or bad graffiti doesn't really bother me. But this piece of art really does make me smile every time I see it. And it is right at the end of a long 3 mile hill, I look forward to having a giggle every time.

I was running into the wind the whole way, it was freezing and really hard work. All that kept me going was the hope that it would blow me all the way back when I turned around. Not on your nelly duff! Was as blooming hard on the way back as it was on the way out. WHAT is that all about?

But 6 miles done and whilst I was tired (well it has been a hell of a week or two) I managed it, can still feel the strength in my legs and my mind (which is probably the most important bit for the marathon). My hamstrings are very tight but I reckon that is down to sitting in the car driving to the hospital instead of running. But that can soon be sorted with some stretching and it started when I got back (much to Rhona's entertainment!).

left leg stretched...

That's the right one done...

Can't imagine why Rhona found it funny, it was blinking agony from my side of the bus!!!!

I've had lovely offers of help to run with me on my marathon and I am really chuffed. I really wanted to do this run for Alistair because I don't want him to feel that his stay in hospital has ruined a summer of training for me. And you know what 26.2 miles is 26.2 miles regardless of whether you do it on your own, with a few friends or with thousands of people. I don't need a t-shirt, blingy medals or a bag of crap which goes in the bucket after you have half eaten the dodgy health bar, threw out the sachets of face cream and vouchers for stuff you will never buy. What matters is the distance and you! How you meet the challenge and how the challenge meets you! I want to show my Alistair how strong I can be for him and how much I admire the way he deals with the challenges that he has to face. 26.2 miles is no where near what he has to deal with. 

Alistair may or may not be there in person, depending on whether he gets out or not but I know he will be there with me in spirit and he can just move over and let me lie down for a bit after it (if we pull the curtains the nurses will never know, might even put me on a drip if I look knackered enough!!

So to those who have offered to run with me, an enormous thanks and I will put up timings for where I will be when (approximately) so that you can join me wherever you want to.

Let the taper madness begin...

don't worry, be happy :)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Latest update...

This has been an odd sort of week, and at times a little stressful. Rhona's exchange pupil was very young and absolutely lovely but cried virtually all week because she was missing her family. Whilst she had a small grasp of English our Czech was limited to "Ahoy" (hello) and "Dobra" (good - I think?) which made for difficult conversation and a lot of uncomfortable silences. However, this morning at 11.20am in the pouring rain and howling rain we waved goodbye to her. Rhona and I both looked at each other and commented on how instantly relaxed but puggled we felt now that she was away. It was a real shame because she arrived in the middle of our family storm, Andy leaving, Ali being in hospital and just me and Rhona in the house. But we did have a nice day with her yesterday in Edinburgh so hopefully she has some nice memories to take home with her.

So, once we waved Adela off we headed for Tesco, got our shopping and then headed home for lunch. Rhona made Alistair some (enormous) empire biscuits.

Then we took ourselves into the hospital to see Alistair. It is Alistair and I's 23rd wedding anniversary today and I was determined to make something of it, because being apart on our anniversary sucks enough without it just being another day in the hospital. So we took flowers (which I had to bring home as you are not allowed flowers in hospital any more), nice fizzy juice (can't really drink wine when he is on strong antibiotics), champagne flutes (well plastic ones) and our cards. We had as nice a time as you can when you are separated by a hospital bed!

After our visit to Alistair, Rhona and I were discussing how we were really tired and needed to chill out. I said I was going to go for a short run to try and relax the stress out of my shoulders and just remind my legs how to run. She said she would come with me but on her bike. So that is what we did. 2 and a half miles with me running and Rhona scooting about everywhere on her bike. It was bloody brilliant! Just what was needed. Whilst I was running I began planning my marathon in my head. My start at Cramond and then the turn around at Musselburgh. What fuel I was going to take, where I could pick up water, shops on the way etc. Started thinking about time splits for my willing helpers and anyone else who can be bothered popping out to see me. I may or may not have Alistair out of the hospital to come and help me with my marathon. But it is for him that I am doing it and I will blog the heck out of my marathon day to record it. 

I am going to go out for about 10 miles tomorrow (run to Roslin) to get the legs running again. I can still feel the distance in them, but they are a bit stiff having not done much this week but it won't take much to get them going again.

It is amazing how life can throw loads of shit at you but eventually it all clears and you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Alistair still has no release date but he is getting better and I am so impressed by his resilience and strength. I know he will be back up and biking before we know where we are.

Oh and I have entered the Glasgow Half Marathon to satisfy my magpie tendencies for bling! For once I will be well and truly trained up for the Glasgow Half, normally I am winging it by September!

don't worry, be happy :)

Friday, 13 September 2013

26.2 for Boris and Doris

Our little family has been through a tough few weeks. It started when Alistair ended up back in the hospital just before Andrew moved out to his flat in Edinburgh. Then both Rhona and I ended up with colds. Poor Alistair missed out on moving Andy into his flat and Andy missed having his Dad helping him. He had to put up with me, Rhona, Grandma and Grandad. Grandma almost moved him into the wrong flat and was merrily introducing herself to a lovely student who wasn't in fact one of Andrew's new flat mates (they were in the wrong flat with Andy and I watching them from the door of the right one!!). Then Alistair's infection completely flared up and he has been in the hospital on antibiotics ever since (ten days ago). Meanwhile Rhona and I were preparing for her Czech Republic exchange pupil to come and stay (bad timing). She arrived on Tuesday and the poor girl has cried for her Mum ever since. Rhona is weary trying to help her out, I am weary visiting Ali, comforting Rhona and her friend. Poor Alistair is still stuck in hospital looking remarkably healthy amongst three men who look like they are on their last legs. Andrew, thankfully is having a ball at Uni. Getting drunk, not sleeping and eating pizza. The perfect freshers week!

I miss Alistair very much, I miss him making me laugh, I miss his moaning about the dishwasher being badly filled, his bad jokes and him saying "that's your tea, you've had it" and lots more. Rhona has been a rock through all of this and has only really gotten emotional this week and that is more about the emotional stress she has been under with her visitor. Friends on facebook, fetch and at work have been there for me and I am forever grateful especially my friends at work who have stepped in and let me be off to get myself together again. Without you all this would have been an even tougher week.

Those of you who know I run will know that I have been frantically training for the Loch Ness Marathon which is in two weeks time. I was just heading into my taper weeks when Alistair went into hospital. We held out hope that I might still be able to go to Inverness but now I know we won't be able to go. Even if Alistair does get out next week I am not making him go all the way to Inverness. So, after a spark of an idea last week I have decided that I am going to run an alternative marathon right here in Edinburgh on the same day. Here is the route:

I am planning to start at Cramond (wee coffee shop) at 9.30am and will hopefully be able to run it in around 5 - 5.30 hours. I was on for 5 hours but my last week's running has been minimal so not sure it will be the fastest run ever. I would really love it if you had a wee bit time to spare and could either come and join me for bits of the run, water and fuel stops, generally waving and cheering. Nearer the time I will post rough estimates on what times I will be where.

Why bother? Some may ask. Well, I spent a considerable amount of my training time with Vicki Wietz who was a performance artist in the Fringe running 26 marathons in  26 days. She became a real inspiration as she battled injuries, mental doubts and fatigue. She didn't need to get up at 4am every morning and then run up and down the royal mile 26 times everyday but she did because she made a promise to herself to complete her challenge. I follow Ingrid Kristiansen on Facebook who was my inspiration to start running many many years ago, and she still runs and is hugely active. And then there is my Alistair who is my biggest inspiration. He has dealt with haemophilia all his life and has met many challenges of his own. He is a 70.3 Ironman, has run a marathon, and taken part in lots of other challenges. He is my rock, I lean on him probably too much, but well he is a comfy lean! I admire how he has dealt with still having to take his factor regularly since his bleed 2 and a half years ago and now with how he is dealing with this stint in hospital. So why bother run this marathon? Well, I have trained for it, I am inspired by many people, and I made myself the promise to run 26.2 miles on the 29th September. I don't want to let Alistair down who always wants me to be strong and get on with life. He has helped me train for this marathon by picking me up at the end of runs, helping me work out my fueling and generally just keeping me motivated. So this one is for us. Boris and Doris.

Why Boris and Doris? Our secret!

So if you are around on the 29th pop along to some point on my route and run, shout, throw things at me, feed me, water me, whatever but I will be there at some point along the way. Coffee at the wee cafe for anyone who lasts with me to the end.

Love to Alistair and hurry up and get well and come home, we all miss you.

don't worry, be happy :)

Oh, and to satisfy my need for bling, I am going to enter the Glasgow Half Marathon! I can get there on the train myself!!!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Loch Ness Marathon training derailed.

My training for Loch Ness has ground to a halt. Alistair has ended up in hospital again. Fortunately,  it looks as if it might just be gall stones which have caused an infection. I say fortunately as it could have been worse and been more complication with his haemophilia. So for that I am grateful.

This has all happened just as I was coming to the last week of full on training before my taper. Andrew is leaving to go to University tomorrow, Alistair is still in hospital and we have our young visitor from the Czech Republic (Rhona's exchange pupil) coming on Tuesday. I have not managed to find time to go for a run since Alistair went into hospital. And to be honest I have not had the enthusiasm to make myself go out for a run. It is midnight and I am wide awake, I just can't sleep. I am anxious about Andy moving out and worried about Alistair still in the hospital. It is too much for my wee emotions to take. However, it is up to me to be the strong one and get on with it all. Andy has to go to Uni, Alistair has to be supported and Rhona needs me too (she is absolutely my rock just now making me tea just when I need it).

I am so awake I have done my ironing, tided the living room, changed my summer curtains to winter ones (it is really cold tonight), washed all the dishes and put them away, swept the kitchen floor and now I am typing my blog. Oh and watching Booze Patrol Australia on Watch (nothing else on).

I am not sure if I will be able to do Loch Ness, it just depends on what happens with Alistair and how long he takes to recover. But, I have decided I need to keep doing some training and then I can find some other run to use up my fitness. If I can't I might just go and do my own marathon somewhere. 26 miles of running somewhere. Would seem a waste not to use up the fitness I have built up.

So tomorrow morning, before we pack Andy off to his new flat (Mum and Dad are coming up to help) I am going to get up and go out for a five mile run. I am going to have to just hope that the 20 miles I did last weekend will be enough to get me around 26 miles because I am not going to manage to find time to do another long run.

Nessie might have to wait until next year. But I am not cancelling anything just yet. Will wait and see.

Anyway, got to go might actually be feeling a bit sleepy, finally. Quite possibly Booze Patrol Australia is putting me to sleep.

don't worry, be happy :)