My training for Loch Ness has ground to a halt. Alistair has ended up in hospital again. Fortunately, it looks as if it might just be gall stones which have caused an infection. I say fortunately as it could have been worse and been more complication with his haemophilia. So for that I am grateful.
This has all happened just as I was coming to the last week of full on training before my taper. Andrew is leaving to go to University tomorrow, Alistair is still in hospital and we have our young visitor from the Czech Republic (Rhona's exchange pupil) coming on Tuesday. I have not managed to find time to go for a run since Alistair went into hospital. And to be honest I have not had the enthusiasm to make myself go out for a run. It is midnight and I am wide awake, I just can't sleep. I am anxious about Andy moving out and worried about Alistair still in the hospital. It is too much for my wee emotions to take. However, it is up to me to be the strong one and get on with it all. Andy has to go to Uni, Alistair has to be supported and Rhona needs me too (she is absolutely my rock just now making me tea just when I need it).
I am so awake I have done my ironing, tided the living room, changed my summer curtains to winter ones (it is really cold tonight), washed all the dishes and put them away, swept the kitchen floor and now I am typing my blog. Oh and watching Booze Patrol Australia on Watch (nothing else on).
I am not sure if I will be able to do Loch Ness, it just depends on what happens with Alistair and how long he takes to recover. But, I have decided I need to keep doing some training and then I can find some other run to use up my fitness. If I can't I might just go and do my own marathon somewhere. 26 miles of running somewhere. Would seem a waste not to use up the fitness I have built up.
So tomorrow morning, before we pack Andy off to his new flat (Mum and Dad are coming up to help) I am going to get up and go out for a five mile run. I am going to have to just hope that the 20 miles I did last weekend will be enough to get me around 26 miles because I am not going to manage to find time to do another long run.
Nessie might have to wait until next year. But I am not cancelling anything just yet. Will wait and see.
Anyway, got to go might actually be feeling a bit sleepy, finally. Quite possibly Booze Patrol Australia is putting me to sleep.
don't worry, be happy :)
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