
Saturday, 11 May 2013

I am awesome....

Today I ran my last long run before the Edinburgh Marathon in 2 weeks time. It is always with some sadness that I run that last long run as I know that all my other runs this year will not be as far (other than the actual race of course) and I am always very proud of the fact that I can run that far.

Today is no different, I still amaze myself that I am actually capable of running that far. I laugh because when I made mention to different people this week that I was running 22 miles in training, their response is split into three categories. Those who know exactly how far 22 miles is to run and totally respect the distance say "have a good run", those who have absolutely no idea what it feels like to run 22 miles and don't quite know what to say, say "have a nice (??) run" - this is why you know they don't know what it is like to run 22 miles - you never have a nice run for 22 miles - you either have a good run or a rubbish run! And then there is my mate Tracey who just says "mad". But that's okay, I know in that one way or another they respect my determination to be able to run that far.

Why I say I am awesome, has to do with the podcast company I kept today for at least 12 miles of my run. I found a podcast recently called "anns running commentary". At the time I downloaded all that was available and forgot about them. But given the time I was out today, I thought I'd give them a listen. Ann is a lady who in her words "is a short american, with wide hips and a big butt". However, that description aside she is still an iron woman who runs marathons as well. She is from Maryland in American and basically said everything was "awesome" for 12 miles of my run. A lot of what she said made perfect sense. She wasn't an expert in anything really, she just shared her thoughts. She thought that us runners were an "awesome" bunch of people who were great goal setters, highly motivated, a bit lazy on occasion but generally a great bunch of people to know. Sounds like Fetcheveryone!!! I absolutely agree with her. She also said that "I" was awesome (okay I know she doesn't know me but we did get acquainted over the 2 hours I listened to her) because I was a mum, not a super elite athlete, a wife, a worker and just a totally "awesome" woman. I liked this lady. Although she did say "awesome" maybe one time to many. But to get to the point of my ramblings, I began to wonder if her enthusiasm for everything was genuine or if it was fake? She did say one thing though about the phrase "good job" which we heard a lot of in the Rock and Roll Half Marathon. She said that it had to come from the heart and not just be used in a patronising way. I reckon her enthusiasm was genuine. What I also believe is that we, in Scotland, are just a bit crap at being like that. Maybe we should say everything is awesome instead of just going about saying we are rubbish at everything rather than just having a downer all the time.

So, you know what, I AM AWESOME!!! I ran (every step of the way) from Penicuik, way up in the mountains, right down to the seaside. 22 miles in preparation for the Edinburgh Marathon. My 6th marathon - yes you heard 6 marathons - how awesome is that. It doesn't matter how fast or slow I did them, as Tracey is always saying we are "completers not competors" - I am a marathon runner!

Roll on the Edinburgh Marathon - I'm coming to get you.

And thanks Ann for your company.

don't worry, be happy

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