
Saturday, 25 May 2013

The night before the Edinburgh Marathon

Woke up this morning and hobbled down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. All week my left ankle has been a bit niggly but this morning niggly turned into really sore. About four weeks ago I pulled up short in a 19 mile run with about 9 miles left to run, with my ankle really sore. It went away at the time but this week it has started playing up again.

After months of training and a final long run which left me with so much confidence I am not about to not start. So off to the chemist, a box of Voltarol tablets, RICE and lots of sitting in the sunshine and it has settled a bit.

Wish I could say the same for my nerves. Since Friday I have been coming out in a cold sweat every time I think about running tomorrow. You would think that after 5 marathons, 60 odd half marathons, countless 10k's, 5K's and a few triathlon's thrown in that I wouldn't get nervous any more. But, I think the marathon is a different kettle of fish (what does that even mean??). I think you have to keep respecting the distance or it will beat you no matter how many you have run. So respect it I will.

I have gathered all my fuel for the day. Porridge to start with a banana. 6 Isotonic Gels (1 every 4 miles), Malt loaf (for when I can't do gels any more), water bottle and some energy sweets. For after, a Mars Bar and a bottle of Lucozade. Then there is my kit. Got my marathon shorts, my running socks, my shoes and after a debate with myself I am going to be Fetchie tomorrow. I think I might need Fetchie love on the way around and the top I got from Diabetes Scotland is just not comfy enough. The there is my sun cream (might actually need it) and finally my inhaler. Last but not least my number and four safety pins.

Got my feet up just now and a cup of tea. Watching The Voice. Early to bed and then it's off to Regent Road in the morning.

No hills!!! Very excited now. Thanks to everyone who has supported me in raising money for Diabetes Scotland and who have kept me going when I had my wobbly moments in training.

Look out for race run down.

don't worry, be happy :)

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