
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Days twenty nine, thirty and thirty-one of July Streak

Not  been very good at writing up my blog this week but three days of running sees the end of my July Streak! Had a bit of bother with my right hamstring this week but have finally found a stretch which really gets to the sore bit and stretches it out so hopefully should be able to get it loose again.

Had a lovely 3 mile run this morning, the sun was shining, it was warm and just a nice summers day!

Enjoying the Olympics so far, can't wait for more cycling, the athletics and the triathlon to start though. We have arranged to go down to London for the Men's marathon on the 12th August. We are heading down on the Saturday and staying over to the Sunday. It should be a good weekend. I go back to work the day after we come back so it will be good to go back with the feel good factor that I always get after watching fantastic runners do their stuff! Back to me and Tracey doing our Monday lunchtime run!!

Going to head out on my bike tomorrow and then will settle down to watch Wiggo in the Cycling time trial. Hope it isn't raining - wouldn't like to get my nice new white handlebar tape dirty!!! Alistair replaced my handlebars with shorter ones as my back and shoulders were really sore and when he measured my bars against his mine were huge in comparison to his - so hopefully that should sort out my back and shoulder pains.

Don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day twenty eight of July Streak

After watching the Olympic opening ceremony last night (which was amazing and finished at 12.45am!) I couldn't be bothered getting up to go to Parkrun. But I did in the end get myself up and headed out the door for 3 miles. Glad I didn't go to Parkrun as I was quite tired after my huge swim yesterday and my late night!

Had my haircut (short as I was fed up with my long curly locks) this afternoon and Alistair and I have booked a few days in London to go and see the Men's marathon so very very excited about that!!

Busy busy day :) Streak intact and nearly completed! 3 days to go!

don't worry, be happy :)

Friday, 27 July 2012

Day twenty seven of July Streak

Started the day by ringing wee bells at 8.12am to take part in the "All the bells" arty thing to start the Olympics off. I make no apologies for being absolutely Olympic daft! I can't wait until it all starts. Got nice yummy food for our own wee Olympic party whilst we watch the Olympic opening ceremony tonight.

Anyway on with my training ramblings. I headed to the swimming pool early this morning with the intention of doing my usual 750m but when I got in I got into the zone and ended up swimming 1250m (50 lengths). I felt really good, got a bit slower towards the end but had I not ran out of time (aqua-aerobics started at 11am) I am sure I could have gone on to do 60 lengths. Bit tired later on but my arms are not too sore which is good.

Later on I managed to go out for a 2 mile run to keep my streak intact. It was quite tough as I am tired but it is really sunny and warm so enjoyed that also.

Been watching the Olympic torch in London all day and now I am watching Colin Jackson chatting to Sophie Rayworth on the telly as I write this.

Eeeek, I am so excited about the Olympics - c'mon TeamGB!!!

don't worry, be happy!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day twenty five and twenty six of July Streak

I was feeling a bit yukky yesterday (tooth with abscess still causing me problems) so my run was more of a run/walk but it was nice as it was a really nice day for a 3 mile run/walk. Was feeling a bit better later on when Alistair came in roasting from sitting on a bus with the heating on!!! So we went out for another 3 mile walk. This one was somewhat harder as Alistair has a habit of walking everywhere as if he is on flexi time! Still streak saved with 6 miles walking.

Today I felt much better and took myself out for a five mile run. Wasn't the fastest run ever but still it felt good to be out running. As I was running along my mind started to wander to the London Marathon. When I entered way back in April I did it on a whim on the back of watching it on the telly. I wasn't really that bothered but now that it is around 9 weeks to finding out the result of the ballot. I started thinking that I would quite like a shot at London again. So rather than not caring about the result I find myself secretly hoping that I get a place. So that's that then, because I want a place not going to get one am I???

don't worry, be happy :) 

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day twenty four of July Streak

Headed off early this morning to meet Tracey for a four mile run. It was really nice running somewhere a bit different for a change. We headed off down Liberton Brae which is a novelty for me as I mostly run up it! We went into the Hermitage and then ran up an enormous muddy hill to the Braids road. Then we took a turn up past the Golf Course and headed towards Mortonhall. Passed cute horses and tents! Then we headed back down to Tracey's house. Great run. It was boiling if overcast. Tracey provided delicious iced water and we had a good natter with Eilidh, Tracey's daughter.

Then I headed home and spent a nice afternoon with Rhona, Mum and Dad at the Gyle.

Nice day. Streak intact - four miles!

don't worry, be happy :)

Monday, 23 July 2012

Day twenty three of July Streak

Very short run today to keep the streak going. Just 2 miles in the rain!!!

That's all................

don't worry, be happy :)

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Day twenty two of July Streak

Decided that given the Glasgow Half Marathon is in five weeks time I decided I ought to take my legs out for a long run to just check they could still do a longer distance. I have been faffing about with shorter runs recently to try and rest my legs a bit after my spring/summer races. I had a really nice rambling run around Roslin, Bilston, Loanhead and then back to Penicuik. Ended up about 9 miles in all. And despite my left leg still being a bit stiff it was okay! Will go up to eleven miles next weekend I think. It was quite stormy, really warm and muggy and quite windy. Still it was a really good run and I am happy that I can trot along to Glasgow and get myself around.

Streak intact with 9 miles in the bank.

Watching Bradley Wiggins cycling into Paris. Fantastique!

don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 21 July 2012

day twenty one of July Streak

Headed for Parkrun this morning. It was a gorgeous, sunny, warm morning down at Cramond - yes we were still in Scotland! It was quite busy and we had a great wee blether with Pam (who always looks so glamourous all made up and neat and then she goes and pulls out 22 min 5K's - what is that all about????).

My leg was a bit sore after pulling a muscle whilst body boarding in Perranporth. But thought I'll give it a go anyway. Started off slowly and then tried to pick up the pace a little bit. But the sore muscle was just shortening my stride a bit and it was really quite hard work. It doesn't feel like a hamstring injury but it is around that sort of area - it doesn't feel like it will get worse but is just stiff nonetheless. So, once we got to about 2.5K I started to struggle a bit and I did slow down. I was convinced that Tracey would pass me as I was not doing well at that point. I couldn't see her on the turnaround leg and normally I can see her as I turn so I was sure that she was doing well and would pass me at any point. At 4K (my usual struggle point) I dug in because I knew my head would start to tell me to start walking. The final stretch always catches me out at Parkrun as it is quite a long way even though you can see the finishing line. I tried really hard to push it a little bit as I basically just wanted to finish and go home. Just as I crossed the line (approximately 31.30m) I heard Tracey right behind me! She had a great run. Me not so.... :(

Anyway, onwards and upwards, the bad ones are there to make the good ones seem so great. I have a long run planned for tomorrow so we will see how that goes.

don't worry, be happy :)

Friday, 20 July 2012

Day twenty of July Streak

Today was a good day - second day of sunshine!! My streak continued with a run to and from the pool - 1 mile and a swim of 750m. I was quite pleased that I managed the swim after two weeks of not swimming. I don't think splashing around with a body board and wading in the atlantic really counts as swimming. So streak intact.

As if I am not happy with what I have achieved this year I have signed up for a challenge called 5 x 50. The challenge is basically to run or walk or bike 5k everyday for 50 days starting the 9th September. I really want to try and keep my fitness going through the winter again as that is what has made me much stronger this year. Anyway, this is not a charity event (although it can be if you want but I've done enough fundraising this year). It is basically a challenge to get people up and moving in celebration of the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014.

Take a look - it looks like quite a challenge:

Anyway, heading out to meet Tracey tomorrow at parkrun.

don't worry, be happy :)

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Day eighteen and nineteen of July Streak

We planned to travel home on Wednesday night to avoid the mad traffic around Birmingham and Manchester at rush hour on Thursday. So Wednesday was really taken up with packing and preparing to go home. So Wednesday's streak consisted of walking, my running stuff was packed away. Walked at Perranporth and also at St Agnes.

Then there was the drive, I have no idea how Alistair can drive through the night. We left at 7pm and by 11.30pm I was swapping over with Andrew as I was starting to fall asleep. Another down side to sitting for nearly ten hours in the car is you are stiff as a board when you get out. So by 3.30am we finally got home to Penicuik and we all hobbled into bed - I fell asleep without even noticing that I had fallen alseep!

Woke up at 10am and once we had eaten some breakfast I decided to stretch my stiff legs. Back to running around Penicuik. 3 miles later back home and legs feeling better again. Got to start building back up again properly for the Half Marathon and Triathlon. Going to try and head out to the pool tomorrow.

So after a bit of a slightly dodgy streak saving walk - streak is still intact!

don't worry, be happy :)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Days fifteen, sixteen and seventeen of July streak

We have had a good couple of days and have spent the last few days on the beach (perranporth, watergate bay and the world famous fistral). Been in the water today at perranporth for an hour - it was freezing!!!! The downside of three days on the beach is I have had prickly heat - flipping nightmare, really itchy and burning. Still kept streak going with short runs and swimming. We are having one last trip to fistral and then we are heading home late at night. Don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Day fourteen of July streak

Today was really nice - it was SUNNY! So after breakfast we headed for the beach. Alistair and Rhona were going into belly boarding, Andy hired a surf board and me? I just lay in between my windbreaks and read my Jackie Collins (got to be done!). We were there for FOUR hours - excellent. I have managed to get a wee cold so just did a wee streak saving one mile. The weather is to be sunny again so given I have a wee cold Rhona and I have decided to give the race for life a miss and we will all head for watergate bay for some more surfing! Don't worry, be happy!

Day twelve and thirteen of July streak

The Internet coverage has been a bit patchy here so not quite getting to blog everyday. So here is a short summary of what has been happening here in Cornwall. On Thursday it was absolutely chucking it down and looked like it was on for the day so we headed to the Eden project as it is all inside. We had a lovely day in the tropics staying fairly dry. Got quite wet when alistair suggested we walk back to the car rather than wait on the very busy wet bus. Mmmmmmm one mile later, up a huge hill we got to the cherry car park and the car! The water was running down the hill like a river - that's how wet it was. Got home and it did try for a while enough for me to do a 2 mile streak saver. Friday more rain for the morning and then it dried up. Went to Truro for a wee look and then came back to perranporth, had a wee walk and then a mile streak saver. Went out for our tea to the watering hole and to listen to the band - cousin avi -jury was out on this one, easy listening, bit like ub40 but not so good. Nice night though. Don't worry, be happy :)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Day eleven of July streak

When we woke up all we could hear was the rain bouncing off the velux windows so we had a lie in. Once it eased off I went out for a run. The sun came out and it was lovely and warm. A great morning run. In the afternoon we took a trip to charlestown to see the pirate ships. Then we headed back to the beach to belly board. It. Was sunny but blowing a gale. We got to the water and alistair pointed out blue jellyfish on the sand. It was quite stormy water and the current had brought them in. Well that did it for me, I don't do things in the water that sting!! So Rhona and I stayed on the beach and got wind/sand blasted. 3 mile run -streak intact. Don't worry, be happy :)

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day nine and ten of July streak

We had a technical issue so couldn't blog yesterday so saved up for today. Yesterday's run was meant to be a quick streak saver but ended up quite exciting. As I headed along the railway walk I found I heard a helicopter come over and it began to circle the bay time and again. It was really low over the beach, much excitement. I ran onto the beach to see what was up and there were loads of lifeguards, nothing up but a training exercise. It eventually landed on the beach. Very cool. Not what you see on your run every day. Today's run boring by comparison. Streak saver. Don't worry, be happy :)

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Day eight of July streak

Today was a lovely day in perranporth, sun was shining and the seagulls chirping (do they chirp or kind of squawk?). Our day started with time on the beach belly boarding until Rhona stood on a stone fish and had to hobble back to the flat. It is very sore and frustrating as there is nothing to see, only time heals it. After that Alistair and I went out for a walk as Andy Murray is in the final and Ali just can't watch, too stressful! When we got back I headed out for a run. It was an investigation type run, I found a lovely railway walk and ended my run back on the beach. I am getting to like this new finish to my runs, will miss the beach when I go home! Anyway, got to go, Andy is still getting beaten by federer and the tea is ready. 3 miles - streak intact Don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Day seven of July streak

Didn't do a run today but the streak is still intact with a really tough 8 mile cliff top walk from perranporth to st Agnes. What a lot of really steep hills, rocky paths, beachy bits and grassy paths. We stopped midway for a pitstop of tea and cake and then climbed back up to walk the 4 miles back from st Agnes to perranporth. It wasn't sunny but warm. Given how wet it has been in Edinburgh we did not too bad. When we got back we all had sore feet. My calf muscles feel like they have been shredded. After tea the sun came out and it was absolutely gorgeous out so we took a wander along the beach. Had a good old giggle wading through the stream that appears at high tide, nice and cool on sore feet. So not a run but streak still intact (rules are you have to do some form of exercise to keep it going.) Watching jaws on DVD now with crisps and chocolate. Don't worry, be happy and tired :)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Day six of July streak

Day started with another run along the coastal path. This time I headed in the opposite direction towards st Agnes. Lovely views of the sea and surfers, huge hills though. My quads will be huge by the time I get home. I ended my run today on the beach. I have read with interest about the barefoot running revolution so with a lovely clean beach to run on. Did a few sprints and then ran the length of the beach. It feels different running without shoes but good different. You can really feel your feet gripping the ground. Not sure I could run barefoot completely but can imagine how minimal shoes could be good to run in. In the afternoon we headed to the beach. It wasn't sunny, but it was warm and crucially it wasn't raining. We were all wetsuited up and even I went in and had a go at body boarding! We were there for hours, fantastic day! Now we are going out to the bar on the beach for a drink and they have live music, should be good. Oh and "c'mon Andy!" Don't worry, be happy :)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Day five of July streak

Not sure the lifeguards will be thrilled with my daily streaking. There is a big sign on the beach saying "no nuditity allowed!" ooo er misses. The beach is amazing here in perranporth, the kids have been in the water already. I went for a run along the coastal path, it was really nice. Can't wait to explore further. Streaking will be easy here, although there are some huge hills. 3 miles - streak intact! Don't worry, be happy :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Day four of July Streak

Was out of the door at 7.30am for my pre-holiday journey run. It is really warm and muggy but I quite like running in those conditions. I have always liked running at that time of the morning because everyone is busying themselves getting to work and you can just float through them without anyone really noticing you.

I was just going to go out for a short one miler to just keep the streak intact, however once I got out there I couldn't help myself it was so nice so I just kept going and ended up running 3 miles.

Now we are going to pack the car, have breakfast and head off to Nottingham. First stop Annandale Water Services for a cup of tea and then Tebay Services for lunch. 

3 miles - streak intact.

don't worry, be happy :)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Day three of July Streaking

Got up early this morning and only really had time for a short sprint. So off I went along my flat route. 2 miles in 18mins and 18 secs. Not bad at all. Wasn't even that puggled. Last year I was doing that in 22 mins so lots of improvement.

When I got back to the house, Rhona was up and reminded me that we had said we would go down to the pool for 9.30am to try and beat the aqua aerobics class at 10.30am. An odd brick session but one nonetheless. So quick turnaround and I was in the pool. It was very busy and there was a lady swimming relentlessly up and down and was moving for nobody which made it difficult to get any rhythm going. However, managed to do 26 lengths before the boom wall came up and we were punted out (alternative was to swim in the toatty bit that was left once the aerobics started).

So streak intact - 2 miles plus 650m swim.

Tomorrow will be tough to fit a run in as we are heading off on our holidays - will have to get up sharp and do a streak saving 1 mile. Next day will be in Cornwall though - lots of nice coastal path running :)

don't worry, be happy  :)

Monday, 2 July 2012

Day two of July Streak

Got myself up early to head out the door for day two of my July Streak. It was quite muggy but not raining - so far so good!  By the time I had been out for about 20mins the rain came down heavily but it was still humid - nice (not!).

It was one of those kind of runs where you just put your head down (mainly to stop my fringe dripping into my eyes) and get it over and done with. Because I was looking down I started to notice that there were lots of elastic hair bands lying on the ground. I noticed this because I am always saying to Rhona when we are hill walking in the lakes that no matter if you forget your hair bobble there is always one lying on the ground at some point. Today was proof of the matter that if you need a hair band there will be one lying around as soon as. I counted 15!! One I have noticed has been in the same spot since Christmas. It has been in a puddle, in mud, frozen in ice, buried under snow and covered in leaves. But still it lies there. Who did it belong to and did they notice they had dropped it? I almost picked it up just out of idle curiosity and then the superstitious part of me (and there is a big part of me superstitious let me tell you) told me to leave it because if I moved it I would be disturbing the balance of my world - well it has lain there for a long time and I pass it all the time. I know, totally hippy but I can't help it :) So I stepped over it and let it be.

Now we are away off down to my niece's 2nd birthday party - aww nice :)

Streak intact - day 2 - 2.5 miles

don't worry, be happy :)

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Streaking in July!

This month, just for a bit of fun (???) Garfield (one of my Fetch buddies) are going on a July Streak. For those of you reading this who think we may well have lost our minds and our running about starkers - I am going to disappoint! Streaking in the world of running is where you run everyday for a month - whether it be one mile (the streak saver) or ten miles. The idea is that you get absorbed in running and really get back to basics. My streak last year was in June but as I had a lot of events on this June I decided to keep it for July and I will have a lovely beach to run on for two weeks so that should make it easy to get out everyday. The tough two days will be the ones we are travelling but streak savers may well be used to save those two days.

Anyway, today's streak started with a lovely 4 miles. I like running on a Sunday morning because life in Penicuik just seems a bit slower. We have several churches in Penicuik and they were all filling up as I was passing. The park was full of wee boys playing football with proud parents watching. I did have a bit of a giggle at the tiny tots playing football. There were three pitches: one with older children, one with maybe 8 year olds and the last one had what I think were under 5's? The coach of the under fives looked like he was ready to blow a gasket. The kids were running about all over the place and every time one got the ball they all jumped on that kid and then they were all on the floor. At one point I heard the coach shout "Aiden, you're not allowed to pick up the ball, it's football not rugby". It was really funny :):):)

It was warm and quite humid, but was really nice for running in, I really enjoyed it.

Talking about proud parents I am a bit proud of my Mum! She texted me yesterday to say that she had a secret! She has entered the Glasgow 10K in September and is going to walk it. She has been in secret training. My Mum was always a fit mum and did mad things like Karate and running when I was younger. My Dad and her have done bike trips and walk lots but in the last few years her life has been taken over by caring for her Mum, my Grandma, who died last year. My Mum and Dad have been getting their life kick started again and now my Mum is doing this with my Dad coaching her. I am already signed up for the half marathon and now can't wait cos my Mum will be there taking part in the fun also. Well done Mum and get out there training! You will absolutely love the atmosphere in Glasgow - I hope it is sunny for us :)

don't worry, be happy :)