
Monday, 2 July 2012

Day two of July Streak

Got myself up early to head out the door for day two of my July Streak. It was quite muggy but not raining - so far so good!  By the time I had been out for about 20mins the rain came down heavily but it was still humid - nice (not!).

It was one of those kind of runs where you just put your head down (mainly to stop my fringe dripping into my eyes) and get it over and done with. Because I was looking down I started to notice that there were lots of elastic hair bands lying on the ground. I noticed this because I am always saying to Rhona when we are hill walking in the lakes that no matter if you forget your hair bobble there is always one lying on the ground at some point. Today was proof of the matter that if you need a hair band there will be one lying around as soon as. I counted 15!! One I have noticed has been in the same spot since Christmas. It has been in a puddle, in mud, frozen in ice, buried under snow and covered in leaves. But still it lies there. Who did it belong to and did they notice they had dropped it? I almost picked it up just out of idle curiosity and then the superstitious part of me (and there is a big part of me superstitious let me tell you) told me to leave it because if I moved it I would be disturbing the balance of my world - well it has lain there for a long time and I pass it all the time. I know, totally hippy but I can't help it :) So I stepped over it and let it be.

Now we are away off down to my niece's 2nd birthday party - aww nice :)

Streak intact - day 2 - 2.5 miles

don't worry, be happy :)

1 comment:

  1. I also went for a run today (5k) and for the first time ever it properly rained on me, I was soaking!! Didn't see any hair bobbles, just lots of puddles!
