
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day twenty five and twenty six of July Streak

I was feeling a bit yukky yesterday (tooth with abscess still causing me problems) so my run was more of a run/walk but it was nice as it was a really nice day for a 3 mile run/walk. Was feeling a bit better later on when Alistair came in roasting from sitting on a bus with the heating on!!! So we went out for another 3 mile walk. This one was somewhat harder as Alistair has a habit of walking everywhere as if he is on flexi time! Still streak saved with 6 miles walking.

Today I felt much better and took myself out for a five mile run. Wasn't the fastest run ever but still it felt good to be out running. As I was running along my mind started to wander to the London Marathon. When I entered way back in April I did it on a whim on the back of watching it on the telly. I wasn't really that bothered but now that it is around 9 weeks to finding out the result of the ballot. I started thinking that I would quite like a shot at London again. So rather than not caring about the result I find myself secretly hoping that I get a place. So that's that then, because I want a place not going to get one am I???

don't worry, be happy :) 

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